The « Société Francophone des Lasers Médicaux » (Francophone Society of Medical Lasers) was founded in 1981. SFLM’s objective was to promote and coordinate all actions enabling the development of lasers’ use in medicine. This society which brought together physicians, scientists and manufacturers, from the very beginning, achieved succesfully its mission. In particular, the SFLM organized one or several congresses every year and wrote books among which the « encyclopédie des lasers en médecine et chirurgie » (encyclopedia of lasers in medicine and surgery), edited in 1995. The university degree « Diplôme Interuniversitaire Européen des Lasers Médicaux » was created by one of the founding member of the society. The SFLM is still playing a very active role in this degree’s organization and teaching, thus contributing to the training of numerous physicians. The SFLM was successively led by Pr Maurice Bruhat ✞ ✞(1981-1988), Pr Jean-Marc Brunetaud (1989-1999), Dr Frédéric Laffitte ✞ (2000-2006), Pr. Bertrand Devaux (2007-2010) and Pr. Serge Mordon (2011-2018).
Today, both the rise of new technologies and medical needs have led us to extend our field of interest by adding two new fast growing thematics : Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) and Medical Optical Imaging. The SFLM decided to change its name to «Society Francophone de Photonique Médicale» (Francophone Society of Medical Photonics). SFPMed is a non-profit association which brings together academic researchers, physicians and industrial companies. It is a place of exchange and reflexion for these actors whose aim is to contribute to the knowledge, promotion and evolution of Photonics in the medical field.
Its fields of action include:
- organizing and holding an annual congress during the first quarter of the year,
- involvement in organizing and holding congresses related to Medical Lasers, Medical Optical Imaging and PDT
- a website: www.sfpmed.org, with a calendar of upcoming events (congresses, workshops …), scientific and industrial news, useful links, manufacturer presentations and SFPMed congress abstracts and presentations (access restricted to SFPMed members)
- regular news mailings,
- serve as a representative interlocutor for public (HAS, ANSES, ANSM …) and professional (SNITEM, Photonics France …) authorities, as well as for national and international scholarly societies (SFD, SFO,ELA, IPA, GFP2P, …) regarding the three thematics.
Join us!
Future SFPMed’s members are requested to commit to promoting « the best practices of photonics in medicine ». Nevertheless, SFPMed’s membership does not confer to its members any acknowledgement of specific skills. The Society cannot be held responsible for the action of its members. For an example, the SFPMed does not plan to approach the « Conseil National de l’Ordre des Médecins » (French National Medical Council) in order to obtain for its members the right to mention their SFPMed membership on their prescription pads.



Bertrand DEVAUX


François WILL